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Owl Totem Update

Sean E. Kelly

Apr 12, 2023

Owl Totem will now be available ONLY from this site.

Within the next few days, you will notice that new copies of OWL TOTEM are no longer available through third-party booksellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. OWL TOTEM will now be available solely through the store on this website.

As OWL TOTEM was a passion project on my part, it was never intended for the mass market. The markup demanded by online bookstores was making the book far more expensive than anyone ought to have to pay, and prohibitively expensive in certain cases. I write stories so that I can share them; what's the point if readers can't experience the story without dropping just south of US$50 for a hardback? (And, believe me, OWL TOTEM looks and feels way better as a hardcover!) The books are much more affordable bought directly from me, and I get to keep a greater share of the profit, so buying from me is a win for all parties. Except Jeff Bezos, but he's got enough mansions already.

Of course, you'll still be able to get OWL TOTEM from online bookstores. They'll just be secondhand copies. No new bindings will be made available through those stores. This also means that the book will no longer be available in electronic format. As OWL TOTEM has sold a grand total of one e-book copy thus far, compared to a substantial number of print editions, I doubt anyone will miss it.

This does not affect AETHYR and OMEGA NOIR, both of which were intended for mass-market publication and will still be available from all major booksellers in print and e-book formats (though I still encourage you to get your print editions directly from me - save a few bucks and support independent authors!).

Thank you for your understanding and your support.

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